Samurai Jeans
If you are able to button them up pre soak - they'll fit. Tight….but the pain will cease..
I'm able to stick my arm into them while being buttoned up so I guess I'll be fine then, gonna give them a soak, thanks.
I'm able to stick my arm into them while being buttoned up so I guess I'll be fine then, gonna give them a soak, thanks.
OH MY! i have to agree with seul and beats, i do think you sized a bit too high up. i havent been following Sams as much recently, but ideally tts is where you'd ideally want to be around pre-soak and then they be nice and tight once they shrink down a bit. but an entire arm… unless you are going for a super 'comfy' fit, i think they are for sure too big. see if you can exchange them for a smaller size. i'm guessing you ordered via rakuten?
I'm able to stick my arm into them while being buttoned up so I guess I'll be fine then, gonna give them a soak, thanks.
Wait! If you can fit your arm into the waist, they are way too big for you. If you mean fingers, it should be ok, but not the arm….and you have already sized 1 down??......
Yes, I have already sized down one size to a 33. I measure the raw state waist as 87cm which is what the sizing chart at BIG reads for a size 33, and my true waist size is just that: 87cm. Wait a minute: should I size down from the prewash measurements? Thus get a size 32? I'm feeling slightly confused at the moment LOL
I'm able to stick my arm into them while being buttoned up so I guess I'll be fine then, gonna give them a soak, thanks.
OH MY! i have to agree with seul and beats, i do think you sized a bit too high up. i havent been following Sams as much recently, but ideally tts is where you'd ideally want to be around pre-soak and then they be nice and tight once they shrink down a bit. but an entire arm… unless you are going for a super 'comfy' fit, i think they are for sure too big. see if you can exchange them for a smaller size. i'm guessing you ordered via rakuten?
Yep, ordered them via 2nd (to have the red tab and hidden arcuates) so I guess an exchange is out of the question.
I disagree with almost everyone. If your TTS is a W34 and you already sized down one, they should be good. I was able to stick my arm down the WT's and they were a size smaller than my TTS. You should be fine after the soak unless you are going for that girlie shin tight look? All the speculation could end if you just posted a fit pic…
Yeah, you can rock a Canadian tux in LE Five Elements style.
Very nice RED TAB stan. Where did u get your samurai from?
Tks, got it from Bas Clothing.
How much did you got it for? Cheaper to get it from BiG or Take5? Communication barriers?
check your PM
As seul said, 710s are slim dude. And tapered. 634s-es are the only other straight jeans you mentioned aside from the S5000VX. In terms of quality and construction, there is a reason these two brands have such a loyal following! But one thing to consider, the denim on Sams fray something wicked because they are so damn stiff.
Anyways, owning both the 634 cut and the 710 cut, if you are looking for straight leg, go 634. If you want slim, its 710. But either way I don't see how you can go wrong.
Used to have 5000VX as well… It's impossible to compare quality wise... Both are of the highest standard... Sams are stiffer, the denim's slubby and hairy and of course they're raw... I don't like the whole having to shrink them process but other than that, you'd have to buy them both to come up with your own favourite...