Introduce Yourself Here
@RoxRocks86 hey bro. We live on the east coast in Connecticut. We get out to Hawaii once a year for 3 weeks to a month. We plan on moving there in the next 3 years if everything works out. Yeah Kauai is great. We were just out there’s for 3 weeks in October/November. Half the time on Maui and other half on Kauai. Wish we could get out there more often. Where on Oahu do you live? I’ve spent a few days on Oahu. Went to pipematsers in 2016 and a day or two in Waikiki (which is a crazy place) this past trip. Lucky you live Hawaii! How did you come across Iron Heart?
@Matty123 Awesome, it must feel like coming home everytime you guys come back! Hope your future plans to move work out too, you’ll be on permanent vacation mode! Yeah Waikiki is interesting. Whether that’s good or bad it’s up to the individual. I personally don’t like going out there. I’m on the west side of Oahu.
Found Iron Heart while searching for Red Wing shoes on instagram 1 wk ago. Needed new work boots. Saw tons of hashtags on selvedge denim, googled it and came across different comments and threads. Quite a bit mentioned IH as quality stuff so came here and was surprised to find that IH had an active and very helpful forum. Bought jeans that night. Still in need of new work boots, guess they’re gonna have to wait as I’m planning on getting a few more pairs of IH’s.
Btw I’m female ;). But no worries I don’t get offended easily. You can call me bruh, dude, whatever. Just wanted to make sure there was no confusion there.
Welcome @RoxRocks86
@RoxRocks86 right on. Yeah it sure does feel like going home. Can’t wait to be back in south maui. Body surfing at Big Beach
What do you do for work if you don’t mind my asking. I’m in the construction business and redwings and IH make me think you’re somewhere around ithat industry as well. If that’s the case then it’s good you found iron heart!
@matty123 You thinking of moving Kihei? That place reminds me of the mainland. Monkey pod is bomb tho! & yeah I am in construction. You in the trades, gc, or…?
Excited to see what kind of a beating these jeans can take!
Monkey pod is ono! my friend used to be a pastry chef there and gave me the recipe for the strawberry cream pie! i made 3 of them for the holidays. yeah we'd start in kihei but we'd probably move over to haiku or paia. maybe upcountry.. makawao or kula. but haiku would be great.
i do site work and excavation. commercial work mainly.
im dying for plate lunch. made kalua pork for my wife this past weekend. aint no saimin around here…. haha. i wish.
Ho braddah @Matty123 you know how fo’ grind, ah!!! Saimin is easy! You guys no more one Asian isle in the grocery store or one china town nearby?? Just get top ramen throw some sliced spam, egg and green onion inside. Or if you’re able to get char siu and fishcake then you can make it more local restaurant quality.
Yeah sista! @RoxRocks86 Char siu! Now I want some char siu Manapua! Choke manapua!
That saimin recipe sounds like a winner. There’s one Asian store near me. They’ll have most of the stuff I need. I won’t make it as good as L&L or da kitchen in kahalui but it’ll do! Thanks for the advice! Can’t wait to get back to Hawaii.
Hi y'all…
I'm based in Cologne, Germany and I've been at it since only a couple of months with the help of the good people at Kentaurus Denim Shop. Lots of info to digest... having fun !
Best, Paul
Hi y'all…
Welcome Paul.
Lots of info here, if you need pointing in the right direction, just ask. It can be intimidating.
Welcome to the IH Forum @theshigster
Welcome to the party, Paul!
What a great resource being close to Kentarus–they always seem to be on the list of IH vendors when the heat drops!
Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
Thanks for your welcome and kind offer ! You're right… a lot of info to digest,
but I enjoy reading/learning and I'm sure I'll have questions along the way.Welcome Paul.
Lots of info here, if you need pointing in the right direction, just ask. It can be intimidating.
Thx… @den1mhead
I think this forum will be a really nice hang !
Welcome to the IH Forum @theshigster
Hi @Dishelveled,
I'm kind of a newbie re: IH, but having a store in town such as Kentaurus has its advantages & disadvantages…
Welcome to the party, Paul!
What a great resource being close to Kentarus–they always seem to be on the list of IH vendors when the heat drops!
Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
Hey @theshigster !!! You’ve definitely come to the right place for fun!
Hey there, thanks for your welcome !!!
Hey @theshigster !!! You’ve definitely come to the right place for fun!
Hi there. Figured I'd do a quick intro. I'm pretty new to this raw denim malarkey, but have extensive experience with trousers, having worn them on-and-off for the vast majority of my life. Have been reading page after page after page, trying to glean as much info as possible on what to make my first pair of Iron Hearts for the charmingly brisk Minnesota winter which is currently in the mail (albeit some ways away right now). This is always assuming I can pry my wallet open far enough to spend over $300 on a pair of pants. That remains to be seen.
I'm English, moved to Japan at 25, and then moved to Minnesota around 6 years after that. I enjoy a bit of the old fatbiking and skateboarding. My favourite pair of jeans ever are, for my sins, my JNCO Crime Scenes. I absolutely adore wearing them, and I pretty much live in those suckers when at home during the colder months. However, as they are not desperately practical for any environment outside of said home, other trousers are something of a necessity. On a side note to this side note*… it is still a mystery to me how JNCO ever became considered 'skate' wear. Maybe people used to enjoy getting tangled up and faceplanting a whole lot more back in the '90s. Eh. Who knows...
Anyways... Over the course of the next few months I intend to potentially decide on a pair of Iron Heart jeans and potentially pry my aforementioned wallet open juuust about far enough to purchase them. Thanks in advance for all the information you are putting on the forum to make my first-ever-Iron-Hearts decision both easier and more difficult to varying degrees. At the moment I'm thinking 888S, as the 888-XHS does not exist and I'm concerned about the lower rise of the 634-XHS. I'm not a monk, and have no desire to put myself through the kind of nether-regions torture I read about some poor soul experiencing on the 634-XHS thread.
That's probably enough now. Yoroshiku, ne!
*If my calculations are correct, assuming perpendicular axes, this should now be running parallel to the original note.
@nurunuru welcome and thanks for the entertaining intro.
Word to the wise, the 634-XHS crotch thing is more a consequence of the XHS than the 634. Of course sizing may have been an issue too but the XHS is a glorious beast of a denim and will fekk with you one way or another the first couple of weeks whatever the cut. Totally worth it though.