IHSH-73 - Double Weave Needlecord Western Shirt. Black, Beige and Red
Did any xxxl red's make it to SELA?
I'm headed to LA for work on monday, and wouldn't mind grabbing one there.
i love the black - and i'm up for adding some color to my wardrobe.
Nope that was the one size/colour that did not get to LA….Sorry
maybe for safety reasons in the city of Angels…I mean colorwise
thankfully we have not those problems here around. this red shirt is looking so good.
D-Day for me feckers. This shirt is badass
Bad photo, but best i could do for now
Thx. Yes xxxl. Ill try and take a better looking pic tomorrow. Have a back shot in waywt
Ordered my red XXL IHSH-73 from SELA tonight!
So glad I found one!!! ::)
Great pics twin!