Nice work @goosehd sounds like your fitness is improving? How's it feeling?
@Dmart @Nik Mentally pretty good and feeling slightly euphoric today and physically I feel tired, but no issues with joints or muscles.
Two hours was the plan and would have but me right about 18 km’s but the extra 5 km’s were tough and pushed me to 2’ 40 min. I should have abandoned my halfway point when I realized it was further than I had calculated, but the weather was great and I was feeling good. For the first 16 km’s, I was able to control my heart rate quite easily and stay within my zone, but it started falling apart after I reached 18 km’s. I couldn’t slow my pace down or change my breathing to get the heart rate down and would walk. The time to walk kept increasing with the mileage and the amount I could run before my heart rate crept up kept getting shorter and shorter.
I have my eye’s set on a half marathon in October and feeling pretty good about it. Part of yesterday’s run was to see where my fitness level is currently and what I need to work on for the race (if I do it).
Appreciate the interest and advice. You guys keep me going!
@goosehd it mentally helps a lot knowing that you are able to cover the distance (regardless of the time), so it was a good workout. Heart rate decoupling (increased heart rate over time while keeping the pace/effort the same) can mean many things. Firstly, not enough fitness, secondly, poor fielding and hydration.
Keep up the training! If you stay most of the time in „zone 2“ and do one or two harder workouts, this should put you in a good position for the half. Slowly increase the mileage and don’t neglect the niggles and pain. Especially for us „not 20 years old anymore“ guys. Consistency to me, has always been key. -
Yeah you'll smash that half marathon Dennis. Do you have a particular event in mind?
You eating and drinking on lung runs? -
Hydration was definitely an issue yesterday. Took minimal water thinking the run would be 2 hours and with cooler temperatures thought I wouldn’t need much. I was wrong.
Didn’t take any food with me, but will for future runs. I have a Nathan vest on order to carry water and food. Should be here this week.
@Nik Two events coming up and I'm hoping to make one of them. One in September and the other in October (Toronto Half Marathon). The one in September if I'm feeling confident in myself, which was the reason for the trial this weekend.
Can any of you guys recommend foods/gels/supplements that you stand behind and have had good luck with? I'm more than a little overwhelmed looking at all of the different offerings.
Cool let us know what event you end up going for and keep us updated.
As for fuelling I’m not picky and will eat just about anything. The main thing is to try it out and use it in training. Maybe get a few types that look good and eat it in the first five to ten minutes of any session, to get a sense of how it is to eat while running. I’ve tried SIS, Maurten, Gu, Clif Bloks, and the most recent is these refillable High 5 flasks. Gu is probably my favourite in terms of tastes. -
Great photos looks like a fun race
- 7 days later
Rolled my ankle pretty badly yesterday whilst on an easy run. There’s some bruising and swelling along the outer/upper foot, and I’m having difficulty walking. I suspect a sprain or maybe even a metatarsal fracture. Really pissed off with myself.
I’ll see how it heals over the coming days before making a call on whether to get an X-ray. I’m reluctant cause A&E wait times at my local are currently ridiculous (>18 hours), and I’ve read that even for a metatarsal fracture they’ll only suggest a support band/sock, which I’m already using.
Shit @jerkules that's brutal. The x-ray might be worth it in the long term though.
Thanks for the concern guys. I’m feeling a bit better about it now, still weighing up whether to get the X-ray. @Nik i know it’d be sensible but I just do not want the hassle right now - with the kids being off for summer and having to juggle work… it’s giving me stress just thinking about it!! Will reassess if the pain /swelling doesn’t subside.
@goosehd trying to do all those things, but my toddler simply does not give a f*ck
Ugh running injuries are the worst. Good luck @jerkules , can't rush these things. Summer break is almost done and you can send them back! (Coming from a teacher who is dreading my summer break ending)
Thanks @mumonkey72 , and you’re right they suck (running injuries, not kids…
Went for the x-ray, turns out I’ve fractured the 5th metatarsal. Kinda surprised cause it’s not all that painful, unless I’m walking/bending the foot. got some shady orthotics boot to wear for the foreseeable, but should be able to do the usual stuff. Only downside is that my usual exercise (running and HIIT) is now out of the question.