When's the next event then @Dmart so you can run under 90?
Great plan. Let us know which races you end up going for.
@Napa-Transplant Congrats! Chicago is one of my favorite courses. Pretty sure I've worked a couple shifts with the tall guy in the back left?? Work at a little local running store when I'm not teaching!
@mumonkey72 It definitely felt like a fast course (which was confirmed when they announced a new world record while I was still quite far from the finish). Funnily enough, I think that Chicago was the first time I met the gentleman you mentioned; that photo was a cross section of several different running groups from DC.
@Napa-Transplant Ahhh got it. What club are you in? I work once a week for Potomac River Running, were mainly in NOVA now, but we still do some events in DC.
@mumonkey72 I normally run with the Navy Yard Pacers gang, but the core of my marathon training was solo Anacostia River Trail mileage.
@Napa-Transplant lol small world! If I ever see another guy at a convention/packet pickup in all Iron Heart I'll know it's you!
hello! i thought i'd share about my recent trip that i've just returned from. i'm sure many of you have read the book Born to Run. the book has inspired an annual trip and run in the copper canyons near Chihuahua, Mexico. this year i was able to partake. 40 of us made it down to the copper canyons and spent a week there. it was by far the most powerful trip i've ever been on. we were able to be included in numerous spiritual ceremonies, listen in on talks from leaders in the raramuri community who are fighting to preserve their history and lands, and receive permission to run on raramuri lands with various runners. the copper canyons are such a special place. there's something about them that will change you. i feel as though my spirit is still there. my appreciation for the lands that i've run on and those who came before me has grown immensely. here are a few images that bring me great joy from the trip:
@marco23d Wow, that looks absolutely beautiful! Congrats on the run, sounds like an amazing trip!
Well done and the trip looks really special