Should never have sold mine [emoji24]
I need to get mine shined up before I put them up for the summer.
And ready for hibernation!
Just took in a pair of color 8 shell cordovan Indy Boots w/ commando soles. Fuck I am in love!
They are a perfect companion to my shell cordovan color 8 longwings.
Glad you like em!
^epic trade thank you sir, how are the scout boots?
Simply forgot how comfortable an Alden boot is
Perfect Jeff, I think Alden make better use of cordovan than anyone.
I am so impressed by these boots. They cost me a pair of Viberg scout boots but, the price was worth it. I hope @smittybat feels the same way.
I think those are ultimate Indys from leathersoul
Whiskey or Cigar Shell?
Good luck with your search whiskey and or Cigar are both beautiful and would be my 1st choice in an Indy