Iron Heart IH-634S - World Tour 2010 - 2013
btw - interesting about the spelling - always thought it's wonton
Wantan is the real way to actually pronounce it.
yeah, I know, but check this out..
Haha, never really bothered how they are spelt over here.. The word just comes out from us so naturally..
martinchris thanks for the update.
not really sold on that pizza, send a piece to me hahahahahahaha
Best served when it's hot. Haha.
I luv Ginger Beer, I always thought it was a West Indian thing.
another reasion i love this forum, so much information
& Ron take it easy you got another World Tour pair of jawns to fit into
got to chill with a few friends and Ronald.
I thought Ronald was you friend too… -
no Ron is the driver
you will have your chance soon enough el -u r going mc hammer on the next Tour right-.
i'm sure martinchris is cooking something up . . .
^ he's on sabbatical. he shall return once he gets a chance. i was told by his attorney that i could not contact him unless he contacted me first. but i dont worry too much about it, his presence is felt sans his actual posts.