Iron Heart IH-634S - World Tour 2010 - 2013
Thank you for those last flicks! I was about to ask for them but you tool care of that alright!!! Stan, don't let us down…
New member…updated
Lando 32 USA – SFO NYC July 10 / August 10
Peterrock 32 USA Foster city August 13 / September 13
corporalcegg 30 USA – SFO LA September 16 / October 16
leftofthedial 31 USA – Atlanta October 20/ November 20
Simon 626 30 USA LA November 24 /December 28 merry xmas
a.khan12390 32 USA – NYC December 31 - February 1 happy new year
TVShooter 32 USA somewhere February March
Martinchris 32 Singapore March - April
Stan 31 Malaysia April May
Stever 31 Australia May June
Elclintor USA
cristeza USA
Shoque 32 Austria June July
Beatle 31 Germany August
Seul 32 Belgium September -
those are looking damn good, damn damn good
dang…beats is it too late for me to jump in on the usa leg? I never asked before because i thought it was too late. I promise to take these on some EPIC adventures.
wut - epic adventures ??
oh yes yes yes
Lando 32 USA – SFO NYC July 10 / August 10
Peterrock 32 USA Foster city August 13 / September 13
corporalcegg 30 USA – SFO LA September 16 / October 16
leftofthedial 31 USA – Atlanta October 20/ November 20
Simon 626 30 USA LA November 24 /December 28 merry xmas
a.khan12390 32 USA – NYC December 31 - February 1 happy new year
TVShooter 32 USA somewhere February March
Martinchris 32 Singapore March - April
Stan 31 Malaysia April May
Stever 31 Australia May June
Elclintor USA
cristeza USA
riffblaster general USA
Shoque 32 Austria June July
Beatle 31 Germany August
Seul 32 Belgium September -
amazing!!! i'm super excited to be a part of this! if this order stays the same then i'll be august-september. I already have a couple of awesome weekends planned and a wedding to go to. if i get them by august 6th then the WT's will see their first wedding!
Trust me when I say I love jeans but there is a place and time when they're to me inappropriate and wedding to me is one of them of corse they're exceptions
depends on the wedding, and at this wedding i will be wearing the WT's.