Alexander Leathers
It's black buddy
And @seul you got that right!!! Depends on lighting as well buddy
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Looks daaaamn good Friday
Man… I'm in the market for a new leather jacket as well and that is exactly what I'm looking for Friday . That thing is nails buddy! Among the number of items that don't fit anymore , my himel is one as well can't zip it up anymore
G is this collab still available? Feel free to PM if necessary
Hey Tatman, The collab jacket hasn't been released yet. G and H are still working on the details. I think Friday got the sample jacket. I've got my eye on this one as well. There's a thread for the collab:
Right on! Thanks man! I should have read back a little further I guess but in a rush this morning. Really appreciate it SF
Feck me, want that brown!
Those are outstanding!