Schmidt Shirt
I need a Schmidt shirt… Jan: can you make me a western wabash shirt??? Sizing would be easy: same as my IHSH-07...
That's the beauty of my Schmidt shirts. They fit better than any of my shirts…...including my IH shirts. Jan is so utterly precise he test shrinks the fabrics and factors that into the fit of the shirt!!!!
I have one more on order and then I want one of these:
and one of these:
i think i need one, what is the cost?
I have to back Seul about the wabash, can it be done? Jan's quality and craftsmanship are seemingly on the border of OCD! Amazing!
Yes indeed. Somehow I think it'd be cleaner sans tag but that's a crazy great shirt.
Damn that looks amazing!
Yes indeed. Somehow I think it'd be cleaner sans tag but that's a crazy great shirt.
No way. I have a shirt without the Schmidt tag and I'm thinking of sending it back to Germany for Jan to brand it loud and proud
wow, where can I buy these shirts and what's the pricing; fabric, fit and construction are amazing!
Woe is me, just contacted Herr Schmidt about a herringbone Western and the fabric is no more (well, enough left for him to make himself a shirt
). Though he said given sufficient interest he could try to get some more. nudge nudge (Hint: his email is on his Web site mentioned in this thread's original post).