Schmidt Shirt
jacket looks great my friend!
Forum member nietenhosen is the man behind Schmidt Shirt, PM him.
You won´t regret it. My jacket is so nice and Jan made it a year ago. I can imagine, that Jan becomes more skillfull with every project. The new shirts are surely more than perfect.
This arrived recently. I don't know if the pictures do it justice - amazing quality, perfect fit, just beautifully made in every way. Definitely exceeded my expectations… hope I can pick up another at some point!
Big thanks to Jan - awesome job.
It's 11oz denim with black snap buttons
good shirt willb!
spending some time doing a vest.
little detail:stay tuned.
merry x-mas! -
looks great!
vest and some details:
it is a lightweight vest I made for myself out of some fabric scraps.
the inside:maybe wearing a white shirt (IHSH36 in this case, which is a great shirt!) underneath is looking good imo.