2013 Autumn/Winter Pipeline
^ That there, that's just selfish :). Did you ever buy a 72 as well as your 20s??
i like that type of fish though
and yes, i also have a 72…only the green though, since by that time i still had my red 20...
sry to say so, but what´s "special" about a "special" shirt that comes out every year again and again…the answer is simple imo. "special" isn´t "special" when called "extant" in the webshop!
if a "special" shirt pops up (special to me = low quantity, special fabric/pattern/cut, anni edition, last fabric of xxx, extinct, etc. ...) then i want to make sure to grab it on the day it goes live and feel great about doing so and happy to know that i have said special shirt in my collection.
producing the same shirt a few months down the road (after saying it´s extinct and what not!), just because a few guys "missed out on it" or "wasn´t around when it dropped" is just wrong imo...also it takes away the whole "being special" thing imo.
i know this discussion pops up every now and then and that some guys think about this in a totally different way, but for me, the 20 is and stays the 20 and should NOT get re-produced. same with the just released 86, the soon to be released 87 and all the other "special" shirts that are already out there or still in the great minds of G. and the big H.!
if you want to own some of said classics, make sure to step up your game in the marketplace or just be ready when the new "special" stuff pops up.
that´s just my 0.02 though...life and let die!
Yeah, count me among those who can't relate to that at all. I couldn't care less how rare an item of clothing is, and the more people who can enjoy something, the happier I am, because I'm happy for each of them.
Yeah, count me among those who can't relate to that at all. I couldn't care less how rare an item of clothing is, and the more people who can enjoy something, the happier I am, because I'm happy for each of them.
Consider that sentiment seconded.
Yeah, count me among those who can't relate to that at all. I couldn't care less how rare an item of clothing is,and the more people who can enjoy something, the happier I am, because I'm happy for each of them.same here, but i also love to hunt down said classics and if after months and months of searching and what not, you finaly are able to find your grail and make it yours…you then have that "special" feeling again and all. feels great in every aspect
I don't agree with everything you said, Rafa. If the 20/72 fabric patterns were original like I'm assuming most of the flannels are then I could understand your point of view somewhat. But, to be honest, it's just a standard buffalo check pattern that you see everywhere. The aspects that make the 20/72 special are the construction and weight. As far as exclusivity, you're already in that club when you buy almost anything Iron Heart. I live in NYC and have never seen anything Iron Heart being worn on the streets.
^ well the 20/72 was just mentioned cuz he asked for it to be re-produced! o/course there are way better/greater looking shirts/fabrics out there that the most of us missed out on…and there are a shitload of grail shirts that I would love to own as well...still I don't want that G. or H. make them again!
done is done and gone is gone...on to the next one (as my buddy Jay-Z use to say!) -
Finn are you really friends with Hova? That's awesome!
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Yeah, count me among those who can't relate to that at all. I couldn't care less how rare an item of clothing is, and the more people who can enjoy something, the happier I am, because I'm happy for each of them.
Consider that sentiment seconded.
Thirded, for what it's worth. Buffalo Check is a classic pattern that a lot of people like and sells well. Win-win in my book.
every couple months this comes up & i do enjoy the circular arguments on both sides. i 've never fondled a 72 so don't know what it feels like, i have however fondled a 20 & a 06 & can say they are very different items. i actually agree with Finn in a twisted sort of way, but that's just cause i'm a selfish bastard . . . but I don't fault the IH crew for trying to turn a buck/yen/pound cause it is a bizness after all.
really enjoy folks having so much passion about a piece of clothing, it's pretty cool aint it
i've done it at least three times & even gave one away(back to the original owner), but i am MAD.
it's just a shirt & sometimes cash is king
really enjoy folks having so much passion about a piece of clothing, it's pretty cool aint it
Only if it's the people making it IMO
if that was the case this thread wouldn't exisit or this forum for the most part.
no passion = no posts . . . or it could just be folks trying to look cool for their internet brohams, either way it's something there
almost forgot
Look what I started! Ha! I will say to me it doesn't really make sense to continue remaking the red and black flannel and not occasionally make it in other colors. But that's just me. G and H have enough to deal with and making another blue and black flannel is probably at the bottom of the list. I will say I don't care at all about exclusivity. I like IH because they make classic clothes that will last.
I was saying that tongue in cheek, but passion and a desire for exclusivity are two different things. Iron Heart doesn't have the capacity to make items that aren't pretty damn exclusive, given that there are 7 billion people on this rock. I'd be mildly surprised if I ever run into someone in Minneapolis wearing Iron Heart, and my first instinct would be "wow cool that dude's got the same shirt I have!" rather than "oh shit that dude's got the same shirt I have." The fact is, nobody gives a shit what we wear because in the end it doesn't really matter that much. Our passion may magnify the importance of our clothes in our own minds, but wearing a buffalo check shirt isn't going to turn heads….
Anyway, sorry for the OT, I'm done now.
I care not one iota if anyone wears a buffalo check shirt.
I will say to me it doesn't really make sense to continue remaking the red and black flannel and not occasionally make it in other colors.
It must sell in fecking 1,000's in Japan, because I did not ask for it to be done again…..I do have a particular colour combo in mind for a Buffalo check which I may get done for early next year.....