Unpopular opinions
P.S Could not agree more about comic book movies, enough already.
Man, I watched NFL for years (loved the Raiders in the late 80's/ early 90's), but it is simply a slowed down version of Rugby with extra padding.
And MCH is also right, soccer (real football) does suck, has done for years, but it's the most popular sport in the world and until they televise drunken brawling in Englands town centers, it is the sport I will choose to watch
Im going to come out and say Im not really a fan of the standard cuban heel on White's boots. I get the functionality, but I just think that it looks odd at times when worn for fashion like 90% of White's these days (mine included). Same with Kiltie's. Unless you are kicking cow shit on a daily basis on a farm, ditch the kiltie.
agree on the Red Wings and Converse things earlier, athough I do like the look of Converse. They feel like shit though and make my feet sweat like a pig also.
I like the cuban heel because it stopped my old SD's looking like Red Wing GT's and I just stuck with the habit, but I see why folks would not like them.
On a similar subject, screw chromexcel and in particular screw "natty" chromexcel. It will simply be brown or dark tan in less than a year anyway.
Hate kilties. I knew I was forgetting something when I was griping about cap toed boots.
Oddly, caps on shoes don't bug me, especially a full brogue.
i agree with you on CXL, especially natural cxl. Mine look like a soggy brown after a year, and no more evo for them.
Im def. in the minority on this one, but I cant stand American sports, period. A bunch of over paid premadonna's, I dont have time for that bullshit
Im def. in the minority on this one, but I cant stand American sports, period. A bunch of over paid premadonna's, I dont have time for that bullshit
Then you hate the athletes, not the sport. Big difference IMO
The athletes are paid what the market will bear, I can't really fault them for that. If there were 10,000 people who could do what LeBron James can do his salary and endorsements would tell another story.
That said, athletes in America are treated as nobility from a very young age and basically are held above the law… so it's no surprise the prima donna attitudes emerge. It does suck.
But I love me some football and hockey in particular, and basketball and baseball as well.
Im def. in the minority on this one, but I cant stand American sports, period. A bunch of over paid premadonna's, I dont have time for that bullshit
what about twats like rooney, ronaldo and messi?
theyre over paid premadonna's in the highest formanyways unpopular opinion for me
i think most canadian bands are shit, rush, neil young, the tragically hip, the guess who, april wine, the sheep dogs
all shit -
Bite your tongue regarding Neil Young
"Obstacles are stepping-stones That guide us to our goals"
all of those bands like them that sound the same
riddle me this thou
i've only ever met one dude who was straight up "i love nickleback" everyone else hates them
yet they sell millions of albums
who the fuck is buying????????and no jeff i will not
neil young is bloody atrocious -
anyways unpopular opinion for me
i think most canadian bands are shit, rush, neil young, the tragically hip, the guess who, april wine, the sheep dogs
all shitagree 10,000% nate! they are all shit
sheepdogs are from my home town and went to my high school….pure shit!!!.....and while I'm at it and a wee bit drunkLed Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones can piss off too!
Unpopular opinion for a Brit, I cannot stand the Beatles, to the point that the thought of John Lennon actually makes me angry. He wasn't a genius, he was an arrogant, arty, hippy, scouse tosser.
And he was twice as talented and half as irritating as Paul McCartney.