Unpopular opinions
SHORTS. I strongly dislike shorts with hems on them. Maybe this makes me weird. As a matter of fact, the only shorts i actually do like are cut off dickies. i believe shorts are meant to be casual, and having premade shorts looks to me like a feeble attempt at trying to add some sort of formality to shorts. you're wearing shorts, you're not going to court in them (although if you are…bravo to you, you just became my hero), so you might as well just embrace the fact that you're being a slob and just wear frayed cut off dickies. literally the ONLY exception i make is for Birdwell Beach Britches and MAYBE a pair of old beat up cut off jeans.
Speaking of shorts, I fucking hate summer.
I hate being forced to wear shorts/sneakers/t-shirts and still sweat my ass off.
Word! Hot weather sucks balls, sweaty balls at that !
I like heavy denim, heavy boots, heavy flannels, hoodies and big coats, bring me SNOW !!!!
Related, the British attitude to weather is very annoying, this is the only country in the world where if the temperature touch 17 degrees you will see some idiot in shorts and a ski coat :o
First sign of sun and everyone walks around like it's Ibiza, first sign of snow and all public transport grinds to a halt and people stop going to work. Honestly, most people here treat every form of weather like it's the greatest surprise of their lives.
I GUARANTEE a different attitude if you spend a few winters in Minneapolis
Back on-topic, I generally dislike:
Boots with shorts.
Sandals with pants. -
I had a customer say english complain about what ever weather it is
i say turn it up! i love watching people fall apart in the sun and people suffer from sunburn. your 40 years old fair skin and you still let your self burn then cry about it? slip, slop, slap -
sandals ANYWHERE but the beach = not ok. i aint tryin to look at your feet
Too much whining, not enough unpopular opinion.
I know smoking is bad for you, I know that it kills you, but it makes you look cool and tough…. See Steve McQueen.
While we're on the topic, those vapor cigarettes make you look like the British term for a cigarette/tosser…
I feel your love Poirot
Feelings are mutual you soft Euro baldy
Next unpopular opinion, Jeremy Clarkson is an utter bell end who now fully believes his own hype and this makes Top Gear virtually unwatchable for me.
I know smoking is bad for you, I know that it kills you, but it makes you look cool and tough…. See Steve McQueen.
I hate to admit this BUT…..Every time I watch a Steve McQueen movie or documentary it makes me want to take up smoking again... So apparently I'm an idiot or still a teenager at heart, so what. Looking cool IS cool! However, the will to not die of lung cancer like much of my family keeps my desires at bay.
Pics of McQueen and Newman in 101-Js prompted my latest thrift store purchase. A little healthier inspiration