John Lofgren (Speedway)
Quick update.
Second day out in my engineers, and noticeably easier to get on. Still some slight work but a huge difference from what I was expecting. Not the huge fight till the end this time. I was also fearing after I returned home, but easy to get off then too. I am happy to report I am no longer dreading putting my outfits together with these in mind.
@Tyler-Durden yeah dog!! Wear em often and they get better and better.
- topic:timeago-later,22 days
Coming along really well. Great shaft collapse, but the best bit is all the colour variation from denim around the instead strap and on the toe box. Are you putting shoe trees in them? Would be cool to see them all creased up too seems like you've got a good batch of chromexcel in terms of break and grain.
@Mizmazzle they look nice!
5 years old.
- topic:timeago-later,15 days
Anyone here owns a pair of John Lofgren Chukkas? I'm after one and I would like to know if they are suitable for dressing up. From the website this shoe is classified under dress boots, but wanted to know from someone who owns it.
@Dmart Black CXL?
@spaniarddh yes sir!
John Lofgren Steadfast Chukka
I'm about to pull the trigger on this boot, but unsure if I should go for Burgundy or Black. I'm planning to use these as business casual, occasionally use it with a blue suit. What do you guys recommend? I'm leaning more towards the Burgundy.
Burgundy belt is a nice tip. Thanks, I'm already going to source another PTC belt and eyeing on the Color 8. So It should complete the look for me.
Misson accomplished. Burgundy is with me. Will post some picture later on. The boots are phenomenal in quality!
@the246guy congrats man! And yeah Lofgren are the best in the business quality wise
@the246guy congrats mate! Amazing boots