John Lofgren (Speedway)
@FlavourFade killer! I loved mine — I will say that taking them to a reputable shoe guy to get them stretched can help a bit. I'll also concede though that mine were just too small for me. Really could've used a 13 if JL made them, so I was really pressing my luck with a 12.
@popvulture thanks! Wow, sounds like I'm a lucky guy with my average sized feet
Before I consider having somebody work on them I just wear them as much as I can and look how the slip in changes. I think they already feel easier to get on after a day of wear.
@FlavourFade Oh yeah absolutely, give em some time to see what they do on their own
@FlavourFade amazing brother
@Heavy_blue thanks for the help via Instagram
@FlavourFade you’re welcome dude! Always happy to help spending money
Some shinki magic , love this grain
@Daniel-San mesmerizing leather. I may or may not have recently doubled down on the dark brown shinki as well 🫣
@Daniel-San wonderful grain and beautiful patina, congratulations mate
have you found some anywhere? thought sold out completely -
S&S had a 20% off sale last week, had a pair avail in my size and was somehow not excluded from the sale. I tried to explain to my better half how I was left with no choice but she can't wrap her head around why I needed the same boot in a different colorway. When I looked, they still had a few smaller sizes in stock...
Ah ok, didn’t noticed they had a sale.
@flannel-slut said in John Lofgren (Speedway):
I tried to explain to my better half how I was left with no choice but she can't wrap her head around why I needed the same boot in a different colorway.
That’s because your belt should match your shoes and you don’t want to upset the guys on the forum by committing such a faux pas.
Just trying to help!
@goosehd the kind of brilliance I have come to expect around these parts! All I could repeat was, "just look at that Shinki!" somehow this did not help
Live from the Dive
@Denimhead-0 love how these age
indigo crocking for the win
every Bavarian would gowhen seeing someone drinking this beer out of the bottle
and great boots of course -
@Daniel-San I refrained from commenting…
@Daniel-San awesome shinky!! That's madness
@Denimhead-0 my favorite boots forever, they look so cool at that stage