John Lofgren (Speedway)
@FlavourFade yes my friend, one foot is always more problematic than the other with engineers. You have to have a little patience, now with the heat your feet are more swollen (at least where I come from these days they are really hellish 🥵). I'm sure it will get better and better
where do you live in Germany? If Cologne/Köln is reachable, go to Ingo Keller the shoe God ! He is the right guy to help . -
@Daniel-San thanks Daniel! I live in lower saxony so Ingo is quite a trip away but maybe I reach out to him!
@flannel-slut wonderful !!! congratulations my friend
badalassi leather?
@flannel-slut Yes sir.
@Daniel-San I see you have steel gangs, how does they fit in comparison with other brands (White's, Red Wings, etc) ? Is it the same size ? Like 9 in these 9 in Iron Rangers ?
I sold them because I need orthopedic insoles and they didn’t fit with them .
But yes they are very comparable to the Iron Rangers , I had them both on 9.5 . The Lofgren might be a little roomier in the toe box but not much. -
@Daniel-San thank you mate.
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot fave boots of all time!