John Lofgren (Speedway)
how are they sized? TTS or half/full size down?
I sized down half from my wesco and road champs
I went TTS but I have room for thick socks cos I live in the tundra. I also have an insole.
There are some PRISTINE size 11 Baldalassi cognacs on eBay. $900 + $25 shipping.
Speaking to the guy for measurements right now… Wondering if can work with thin socks
He posted some measurements in the description I think
Yeah but I need a wall to toe measurement to compensate for the Cuban heel. Heel to toe is worthless on Cuban heel builds
1/8" shorter than my others… Don't think it's gonna work... Bummed. I want done cognac baladassis sooooo bad
Bummer. No guarantee of a re-run since it's a collab.
Yep…. And john told me awhile back all the tanneries over there getting bought up by companies like Hermes so not sure if or how much longer the leather would still be available.
Spoke to mr. Lofgren again last night, engineers have been pushed back again to at least December :-\
I wonder how bad it hurts to just cut off a small portion of my big toe ..
nice m
I have a completely justified (as shown by the pics) reason to lust after some lofgren engineers. Tat, so will the black cxl ones be available in december???