Show us your boots
Actuslly took some towels soaked in hot water and laid them on toe area of the boots this morning so it didn't get into the stitching of the sole but just saturated the upper and they are feeling quite a bit better gonnavtry to give them a solid week doing this or at least until they give a bit more and see how it goes it's nice my toes can breath finally though… Felt a bit claustrophobic which sucks cause they are great boots.
I think another issue is I bought then after they had been worn a hsndful of times by someone else and they were shaped more to his foot do had to correct that as well..
Pecos has a western toe too. An engineer is an English riding boot with a stovepipe, developed for steam locomotive workers to protect their legs. It serves the same function for motorcyclists. There are a ton of variations, including the narrow Pecos-like toe last in Tat's custom Wescos.
I noticed the toe track appeared to stand out more in this run also, good to know it's not just me.
I assume the "toe track" is the flat strip down the front, on top of the toe?? I've noticed that on some other engineers (not the RCs) that I've seen in this and other threads - actually both of my boots have that, but it's more pronounced/noticeable on the left than the right. I seem to recall that Davito has some engineers with that look - not his RCs - I could be wrong. I rather like it, but I wondered if it was "normal".
I wore the RCs all day today and they are stretching and loosening up noticeably, already - and the heel slip is already getting better. I still might put another hole in the instep strap. I think over time (hopefully not long) these will be really comfortable - but I can't declare victory after one day.
These boots are not nearly as comfortable "brand new" as my White's - with my first pair of White's it took about a day to get used to the arch-ease, then it was no issue. My second pair of White's, I was already used to the arch-ease, and they were like slippers from day one. But other than White's ALL my boots have required a break-in period to get comfortable.
Bluegrass, Davito's Bucos have the really noticeable toe track. I think it looks awesome on '50s style boots like those. I don't seem to have it on my RCs, maybe it's new to the new run. It would be interesting to hear from Mister Freedom about that. I think it looks cool. Keep wearing them, they will mold to your feet. Mine gave me some awful blisters at first but now they feel great. I put a couple extra holes on the instep straps. Post some fit pics if you get a chance.
I really dislike the thin plastic (or whatever it is) used as a support in the toe box… would have preferred it not present at all. Even though mine are getting fairly broke in it bends down and pushes on the top of my toes when walking and annoys the crap out of me. Wonder what the reason for this was if the plan was to have them collapse asap anyway.... Im not a boot builder though so I won't judge still a good pair of boots
I was checking my new RCs for some sort of celastic or leather toe support, and I can't feel anything - seems like a typical "soft toe" (just leather formed over the last) but it's hard to tell right now with them being so new and the leather so stiff. I'm going to pay attention and see if anything starts to protrude.
I need a job..I Need more BOOTS!
yeah… my RC's definitely have some kind of stiffner or a layer of something added to the underside of the toe box. The leather feels noticably different when I checked them out tonite.
Yeah there's something on mine for sure but no telling if Takeshi messed around under there.
Very strange, I wonder if it is something that has changed from different runs. Mine feels sprayed with something that has gave it almost a laquer -esque feeling. Oh well
Toe tracks, were how many people identified the use of "old world techniques and I believe we're signs of how the last was removed… I'm thinking anyways, it's been awhile since I read the info on them but something along those lines... Ed, David, or MCL might be able to chime in....but if memory serves this is what causes it, it's nothing added.
Wow, never thought of that, I always thought it was cosmetic. I thought the upper was build onto the last and THEN attached to the sole.