Show us your boots
@Daniel-San they get better day by day my friend, they are simply gorgeous
thx mate , yes they are simply brilliant
didn’t expect them to "fade" that fast, is much more visible in real than I could capture it in the pictures. -
Got two pair en'route just like that! Got a brand new pair of White's hand stitched for $350, and a custom pair of Truman from their sample section. Now to wait...(Post office has misplaced the Whites
@Mister_Brue Shinki Lofgren monkey boots. Had a pre-order in on these for over a year -worth the wait!
I’ve named them Ki-Key
@Mister_Brue cheers, mate! Love ‘em - will see a lot of wear this winter
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot Pretty amazing
@Denimhead-0 yeah man! I let out a whispered “fuck yes” to myself when I opened the box. Great fit, too. Very pleased
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot Love those!
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot dude. So sick. The grain on that leather is bonkers!! Bet they comfy as hell too!
@Mizmazzle thanks, homeslice! Fantastic fit. Not comfy out of the box like my horween punchers, but with time these will be epic
@Mizmazzle Congrats! Those are stunning
@hoppy_IPA thanks bra! Wasn’t sure how I’d feel about the service boot style. Not normally my thing. But the round toe on the 1035 looks pretty great to me! Think this may be the best fitting last I have. (Besides my custom wescos)