IHSH-31 Herringbone Flannel
Not likely hangten. These were a one run deal I believe…
Wow really… i didn't realize that. Awesome. Wearin my Navy today
hangten, I don't have either if it makes you feel any better…
hangten, I don't have either if it makes you feel any better…
I have a feeling you'll still end up with both before too long though
Wearing mine all day today. Perfect fit, so I hope there isn't much shrinkage on these.
I am really struck by how little the blue shows on photos of the brown flannel. In person the blue is quite strong and noticeable.
Passed on this as well..
You guys need to stop posting in this thread and let it die. I'm tired of coming in here and seeing how nice these things look!
Shame, the photos don't do justice to this shirt because of the fine herringbone pattern, looks awesome in the "flesh" particularly the brown IMO. Should have snapped it up but don't have the cash right now + don't want to let the SR's slip through my fingers!
On the other hand, you can always ask Lord G to create a pile for you and when you have enough $$, then pay for it. Of course, there are priorities, and then there are IH PRIORITIES!
Just ordered the navy one.. I'm feeling a bit dizzy and really happy and excited at the same time. I really hope it fits well, had to go with the biggest possible size which feels a bit weird. But I guess I am a bit off the japanese sizing charts ;). Damn brazilian jiu jitsu and my former weightlifting habits (and good food) :).