Japan - May 2014
Ken-ichi and Kozue send their best to everyone at iron Heart
I just got off a call with Giles and was asking if he'd seen these lovely people - not sure if you'll see them again but do send our fondest regards back if you do x
Oh my, those quilt lined shirts look fantastic!
Oh man, really hope those quilt lined chammys r made big enough for my overgrown ass. They looks niiiiice. Great pics guys!! Keep em commin
Why do you guys do this to me!!!!!!
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The theme of this Fall/Winter collection is "No Freeze", as such most of the stuff is pretty over the top in weight
So funny, what has the theme been all these years. For the most part even IH tees will make you sweat your nuts off, but I digress. The new stuff looks great. Nice strong showing so far.
On the notify list as I'm sure many goods which will leave me warm & fuzzy but lighter in the wallet will show up in the next couple of days . . .
The lined flannel in brown and the black UHF , both are on my list!! Nice stuff all around, much better than the spring collection IMHO
Is the 17oz Hairline a shacket??? Crazy!!!
you my young son, gonna need to learn to focus on the right things
I am not anti girls, girls are anti me