IHSH-99 - Overdyed 17oz Selvedge Denim Shirt/Jacket
I got a L, which is typically my IH jacket size. I don't really wish I'd gone bigger, but it's definitely a shirt and not a shacket. I can't even wear the IHSH-59 under it.
I love the thing as a shirt. But for those who want a jacket, think big.
Do you have much freedom of movement? Can you punch and clinch someone and elbow them in the face?
I'm a lover, not a fighter.
Can you pinch and hug someone and lick them in the face?
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I'd say you could defend a woman's honor without much difficulty. And this shirt is so bad ass getting a little blood on it will only add character.
Ha. By just wearing this shirt a foe would take one look and do a runner…..
"This shirt is so bad ass getting a little blood on it will only add character." @BloodnThunder
"This shirt is so bad ass getting a little blood on it will only add character." @BloodnThunder
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Nice evo Aetas!
I got a L, which is typically my IH jacket size. I don't really wish I'd gone bigger, but it's definitely a shirt and not a shacket. I can't even wear the IHSH-59 under it.
I love the thing as a shirt. But for those who want a jacket, think big.
Do you have much freedom of movement? Can you punch and clinch someone and elbow them in the face?
I'm a lover, not a fighter.
Can you pinch and hug someone and lick them in the face?
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I'd say you could defend a woman's honor without much difficulty. And this shirt is so bad ass getting a little blood on it will only add character.
You guys are too funny.
With the 127 being a bit thinner than my 107's I can actually later my 99 over it. Pics tomorrow. The grey 127 + 99 = super badass
@TrickHell I can button mine too but then you can't see the sexy grey flannel underneath
I ADORE THIS SHIRT. I just need my jeans to be more faded so I can pull off wearing it without that all deep navy Canadian tux look that definitely looks awful on me!
I think the contrast of this shirt on fresh raw denim looks great. The overdye makes it a totally different shade than the standard raw denim. Now if you're talking about the non-overdyed version then, yes, its a whole lot of indigo.
I think the contrast of this shirt on fresh raw denim looks great. The overdye makes it a totally different shade than the standard raw denim. Now if you're talking about the non-overdyed version then, yes, its a whole lot of indigo.
why would I be talking about the non-overdyed version in a thread about the overdyed one?
The overdyed version just looks more black than navy to me as compared to the same shirt (IHSH-76) that is not overdyed. I just think you could totally pull off the 99 with dark jeans and have it look great.
People accidentally post in the wrong threads all the time. Meant no offense by it.
@twism_23 dude - killer fit on the 99! How did you size based on your other IH items?