2012 Edition - Iron Heart & Triple Works edition WAYWT
Agreed, great pics today.
I blame the weather, and the height of the table my phone was on…
Jacket looks great Rafa!
Your best ever Rafa …
Rafa do glad you kept the jacket
Jacket looks great Rafa!
My last skitour on Gran Paradiso in Italy close to the Swiss border about 4061 meter /13325 feet above sea level. This altitude is also my raw denim limit. No raw demim on my body on higher altitudes
Wearing my second grade outdoor pants a Nudie Regular Ralf raw from 2005
Scarpa ski shoes, crampions, and Mammut ski jacketI can't wait untill my first Iron Heart pants and denim jacket has to be downgraded as my second grade outdoor stuff to be posted here on my next adventure tours. So sorry that's just a Nudie pants here on the way
Shame on me, already 6 weeks old, never made it to post this earlier
2 extra pics to give an impression.
Close to the summit
View over Switzerland in to direction to Germany (under the clouds)