2014 Edition - Iron Heart & Triple Works edition WAYWT
^are those the collab jeans I sold you? If so they are a killer fit
Thanks! These are my Strike Gold 3105s, they are a LHT. The ones you sold me fit really well too though.
Lol I always have the phone tilted against something so it takes an angled photo - usually it's snapping a quick pic before the neighbors start wondering what's wrong with the kid next door haha
Edit: Here's a pic from normal level though lol - I still don't have a very big upper body though - guess I should spend more time doing push ups and less time doing squats lulz
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@Nietenhosen: is the 38 really that washed out as it looks like? If yes - I'd love to see close-ups.
never thought about it, but the colour isn't rich in contrast as it was new.
worn and washed both (the brown is still in use too) so often over the three years, definitely my favorite IH shirts (and I am not a big fan of check shirts :-X).inside the pockets and and placket you'll have an idea how dark it probably was when new.
Thank you! Mine didn't get much wear and looks way brighter, that's why I asked. I like the look of yours a lot (was a great Shirt anyway).