slow down and see twice as much
slow down and see twice as much
I agree. I take the long slow way home from work each day. If I have a few extra minutes I hit the canyon for a few twisties. The freeway at rush hour is pure torture.
That was Harley Dave who said that, and I disagree somewhat
- italian bikes are nice and I appreciate them (BMWs and the Japanese builders too) but deep in my heart I'm a Harley guy…
Opps, my apologies for the mix up Bluegrass. Harley guys will always be 'Harley' guys. Can't take that away from you.
I've actually learned to appreciate Harleys more than I did in the past and may credit taking part in Friday the 13th earlier this year had something to do with that. Most of the riders ain't the type I'd hang with on a given night, but either way, we all enjoy being on two wheels regardless of the manufacturer. I'll think that in itself is something.Congrats on the new addition @summ3rhays! Enjoy!
Thanks @activechild !
thats right as long as its two wheels thats all that matters
How do you make a key that won't go on a ring? Sexy design, but a pain to grab it out of a pocket.
Found an anodized case Which I believe should work and will look better after it's banged up a bit.
thats a nice dilema to be in
Yeah, can't complain too much
Went to a vintage bike show here in Louisville over the weekend - for your viewing pleasure, here is a sampling. The old fellow in the first pic won a trophy for his Triumph - well-deserved, it was immaculate. They had a lot of old classics, and also choppers, brats, bobs, and other cool bikes.
Sweet looking ride Giles. So clean.
There have been a few mc thefts in my area. Plus some old dude mowed through a bike in my work parking lot. I don't know if this will help, but I don't think it could hurt. Pretty cool device, spot trace.
It texts me when the bike moves, stops and every 5 mins in between.
The app is easy to use and uses google maps.
Too busy riding and I forgot to share about the old guy fiasco in the parking lot.
So I get a call from a coworker that some old dude tried to park in the motorcycle parking and hit the bikes. 8 days old at the time! I flew down the stairs to check.
The guy drove off, but the congregation of smokers got pics & license plate numbers.
The car hit the cruiser and dragged it from the top of the pic at least 8-10'.
It ended up 3" from my bike and didn't even leave a scratch. Almost had a damn heart attack though.
Police were called and my coworker with cruiser is basically screwed. His bike was paid off and if they total it he wouldn't be able to replace it with out a lot more cash.
Here's they scene showing him holding his citation on the bottom right. My bike looks close, but I moved it back 5' from where they were nearly touching.
Oh boy. Feckin people. I'd be enraged.
@Giles, that's def a "need to want". Very nice indeed.
@summ3rhays, that's rough and on a positive note, you're a very lucky that there wasn't any damage done to your whip. -
What happens when you give a Belgian a BMW K1600 to play with?
Here's a before and after shot.
More at Bike EXIF and Fred Krugger's Facebook page.