One of my best mates brothers works building bikes at warrs. He has an awesome job! Wish I could go to this!!!!
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Very nice!
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Looks pretty badass Finn.
The Sportster Forty Eight is a nice bike, but the bigger Harleys are supposed to be easier to ride and better machines. I'd look at something like a Street Bob.
If you're after something in a similar vein, the BMW R nineT is a more capable road bike, will be more fuel efficient, and looks gorgeous.
Or there's the Moto Guzzi California.
NineT is a sweet bike, but may be impossible to find until the newness wears off.
Nice bike Finn, I love the look of the 48, but after looking into them it sounds like the bigger bikes are a lot better if you're tall (I'm 6'3"). I'm not sure how tall you are but something to consider. I love the look of the Dyna Wide Glide. The problem is narrowing down the choices, the RNineT looks awesome too, and there's something about the Triumph classic line up that is hard to resist.
i'm like 5'11" so not really that tall Mich
thanks for the feedback guys. it still may be a bit until i'll purchase, so def. open for more infos and suggestions…
since i'm just getting started into the whole motorcycle thing (dreaming about owning with since buying my first scooter at the age of 15), i'm more into 2nd hand bikes, which doesn't cost a fortune and don't need to be in perfect shape so that i'm still able to work on it on my own.
just sth. to get started -
I'm not a motorcycle guy at all, but that Moto Guzzi is just fantastic.
after getting a new car last week, this is going to be my next motorized purchase in 2014…
fell in love with this beauty
click for bigger images!
the 48 is the best looking bike they have produced in years,however if i was looking for a first harley and ive had quite a lot of them,i would look for a evo engine electra glide or road king ,the bat wing fairing on the glides are great if you like putting in the miles ,the 48 is great for a town (ish) bike but i personally wouldnt want to ride it very far .tyhe old evo engine bikes are super reliable and when dechromed and flat blacked look great .
whatever you get finn ,make sure you get a nice metalflake open face helmet -
thanks a ton dave…
a friend of mine has the 48 and i really felt in love with it. what you think about the dyna though?
the one from @Forrest6775 is the bomb. -
my preference is for glides and hard panniers as i like the bagger look and the bat wing fairing is great .
the thing with harleys is everyone has there own taste and style more so with these bike more than any,my preference is to dechrome and flatt black most things ,lower the bike and get that hot rod look .
myself i would love a 48 ,i did take one out for a test ride a while ago and loved it ,it is the coolest bike they make at the moment .
whatever you get make sure you get one of these.
having thought about it finn ,you will be better off getting the 48 to start with and when you get bitten by the bike bug ,and you will trust me ,you can then trade the 48 for a bigger twin cam model because trust me you will want a bigger one sooner or later .
the 48 is a great (and more importantly a very stylish) bike to start with .
to me the sportster models are the purest harleys not overly complicated not to much bling ,just built for a purpose ,ive had 3 and would certainly have another one funds pending .
whatever you get and when you get it enjoy it -
that is one crazy helmet right there …at least the glass
so you're talking about that sons of anarchy kinda looking? i really do love the black matt color.
for summer i'd be driving to work (30min. by car) or after work and on the weekends o/course.and yeah, i think the 48 is right up my alley and should do the job as a starter bike. now i just need to find a nice deal somewhere
just bought a car and the motorcycle shouldn't be in the same league in pricing ^^