hey demonito, ive already gave G my go ahead, if your in we just need two more…. hopefully comes together... the scouts are amazing IMO..
shit…...shit.............if anyone want to go in on these......cant believe im typing this...
oh snap
OK I also need to do these. Let me know if you would like to get onto the bandwagon…..
Now that is more my style…
If anyone is down for either the super black or the original IHV-01 indigo/ black scout please PM me. I'm not to picky Either one would make me very happy need to get 4 of us together on one of them though…..
Rafa that last pair you posted is pretty jazzy as well friend.
Chris, Rafa I'm down for those, are you guys? Just need one more if so, anyone?
Sorry, I'm on the sidelines for a few months. I can't justify another pair, not yet, anyway.;)
shit…...shit.............if anyone want to go in on these......cant believe im typing this...
Those look so great. Really like that build. If I had the funds I'd be all over them with you…
Best of luck finding a few others
Another one I really like, no idea yet what leather that is though: