or viberg and Iron heart merge.
At first I thought these would be normal boots, I was wrong. I experienced the same thing when you go from Nudies, APC, etc… to Ironheart, utter amazement. Well built and designed. Ripple soles are awesome dunno why people hate on it aha!
I'm sure as hell these won't be my last Vibergs. Aiming for the Boondockers next!
oh my….. that ripple sole......
^or tell the guys at viberg, that they need to get somebody just for answering pm´s on this forum!
Marketing undergrad, seriously agree. If it helps them sell better, makes sense to engage with us…..Viberg are a unique
styled business mega-popular due to quality and a new generation re-discovering old quality. Internet has blown shit up, but their company/business has never been setup to scale or handle the internet....A loss to the internet and community, but understandable. -
need more boondockers pics?
just ordered a pair yesterday. i've had boondockers on my mind every since i seen them a couple
of months ago and finally decided to pull the trigger. Leslie from viberg actually convinced me to go
with an 8.5 as you were saying rafa. i was confident i was an 8 because i wear an 8 uk in almost everything,
but after measuring my foot and speaking with Leslie, she suggested an 8.5. can't wait for them to arrive. -
Arabit those are really nice.
great score
confirmed my next boot to be made by viberg last night