I'd want a straightforward vibram 700 lug sole. Classic, durable and ugly.
Well, as far as I'm concerned, just about anything would be prettier than the white wedge sole he's got on them now. Except that ripple sole that was inexplicably popular for a while. Damn, that's an ugly sole.
Imperfect perfection Concret!
best viberg engineer I've seen for a while! brilliant buddy…
Well, as far as I'm concerned, just about anything would be prettier than the white wedge sole he's got on them now. Except that ripple sole that was inexplicably popular for a while. Damn, that's an ugly sole.
ok, I'm with you on this one mate
the honey lug is just a tad too aggressive imo, also that boot needs something black when it comes to the sole…makes it looks too light imo! black sole with natural midsole gives a nice break to the whole look! just my 0.02 though...
Great boot Concret. Thanks all for the input on my question & for the PMs with very useful information. Will keep you all posted when I make up my mind . . .
Concret congrats greatlooking horse and the construction is very nice. 2030 last ? Wow my VMC collabo took over a year to break in and i rocked them pretty hard
i still have some stiffness in certain areas and own it over two years, very nice boots man they will serve you well
If i had to keep only one engineer for life it would most prob be my VMC anni engineer.
Thanks Davito. Last is 2005, pretty relax. Break in process is a bitch on this ones. They were freaking stiff, they still are.
For sure i have several months to endure until finally settles…but damn, they look nice!
I saw them at the Bread & Butter show last year, here you can see them featured at Inventory, was love at first sight:
430 all the way with natural edges! All the way Mikey
best viberg engineer I've seen for a while! super brilliant…
I hope mine will look as good as that.. With little wear so far, Im guessing mine will took longer to properly settled.