Pocketknives/Kitchen Knives/Fixed Blades
Ok chaps, I need some help deciding what to buy. I'm saving for a CRK, either a Mnandi or small Sebenza, but in the meantime I'm looking to get my first Spyderco, and going by the glowing reviews on here, one of these should make me happy,
Dragonfly II (FRN or G10)
SageThe Tenacious really appeals because it seems such a bargain, maybe I should just start with that and get one of the others on the list once I've got my CRK?
The Tenacious is (a bit) bigger than a small Sebenza though… The Dragonfly is a very small knife... The Delica comes closest, without being as expensive as the Sage...
I have a Spyderco Persistence which is of the same "series" as the Tenacious. Even though the build quality, the scales, the clip and the lockup is amazing even if the knife would be double the price the blade is not that good. Mine has gotten kinks all over the edge even though I haven't done any hard stuff with it so I guess the steel is too soft or something. If I could find a knife with a better blade and the equal to all the other factors I would recommend it in a heartbeat. I guess that would be the Delica or the Sage from what I've heard about them (no hands on experience with those).
If the Benchmade Mini Griptilian had better scales I'd recommend that but with custom scales it's a bit precious.
The Resilience/Tenacious/Persistence/Ambitious line uses a steel I don't really care for. Don't get me wrong, it'll do the job, but it tends to stain and get rust spots easily. It sharpens up easily, but doesn't hold and edge for a super long time (NB: I tend not to like knives that hold an edge for a super long time, they take longer to sharpen in the field)
I would toss the Spyderco Native 5 into your list as well. It has the same handle length as the Small Sebenza, but it's a little taller and more ergonomic. Blade length is also the same, although the cutting edge on the Native is shorter due to the 50/50 choil. I like the 50/50 choil as I can choke up on the blade for more delicate work or I need some leverage (nice for the zip ties they use for dog toy packaging). Also uses the same bushing system that the Sebenza used to use that makes the pivot so smooth. Both have S35VN steel (holds an edge for quite a long time, not so great for field sharpening, great if you don't know how to sharpen). Quad mount system for the clip. And the backlock on the Native 5 has evolved over a couple decades and is one of the best, if not the best, backlock out there. Howes Knife Shop probably has the best price out there right now
Hinderer XM-24
Right! For feck's sake man
Urbs new Delica
^Agreed, in my pocket as we speak.
Seul/Jii/DougNg, thanks for all the good advice, and I've now redone my list of Spydies to get, Tenacious is out, Native 5 is in, but really like the CF scales on the Sage :)….......but, having reread some threads on a UK knife forum, I think that my first Spyderco will need to be a UKPK so that I can legally carry it with me every day!
It's not on your list, but this is my new addition to the Spyderco party:
Kopa, Pacific Blue. I wanted a non-assisted edc, and it was just too gentlemanly to pass up.
^ Where were you able to find one?!
As others have said, the Native 5 is awesome. I started carrying it for work and the small Sebenza for everywhere else. The Native 5 is a beefy little thing! I love Spyderco, but after having my first CRK, nothing doesn't even compare! Crazy how much of a difference it is.