Other shoe-brands
Birks or Mega's custom-built Whites Armageddon/Apocalypse boots? I know which I prefer
This is not a Jesus Sandal, it's the shoe of the Psychedelic Monks! -
You're outnumbered here Mega!
As a veteran of many wars, I can confirm that the only cool things hippie-men wear are military surplus and tie dyes. You can keep the patchwork pants, hemp ropes, white dreads, Birkenstocks, patchouli, and especially the body odor, thank you very much.
As for hippie-women, they can wear all the halter tops and sun dresses they want as long as they leave the hula hoops at home. I know I'm asking for the moon here, but shaved pits and general hygiene a plus too.
Agreed Sir Seul
Oh hell no.
Sweatpants are comfortable, my 10 year old Hush Puppy slippers are comfortable, my Superman onesie is comfortable but I don't wax lyrical on them like you sandal freaks, the love for Birkenshits is beyond the pale.
Sandals and flip flops are beach wear only ( of course boat shoes or driving shoes are the stylish options for beach feet!).
I'm laughing my non-existent tits off here. There are people slagging off sandals whilst simultaneously promoting 'driving shoes' and boat shoes as de rigeur summer alternatives. Perhaps I'll consider them when I harbour serious conservative middle-class aspirations or stick my head so far up my own arse that I no longer have the ability to decipher the most basic of aesthetic codes. Maybe when I just get old and fat and stop caring I'll like them…
I personally wear boots and occasionally sneakers all summer unless I'm on a beach, and then nothing so orthopaedic as Birkenstocks.
But let's not pretend $100 sandals are "the people's footwear."
I don't know which currency you're referring to but Birks are not $100 in my neck of the woods. Also, why would you wear boots in summer? Incidentally, 'peoples' footwear in London is probably a pair of branded trainers that cost twice as much as my humble sandals.
Re: middle-class - I was referring to style rather than simply £££ - may not translate well.
Regarding popularity, the most popular shows on UK TV are Eastenders, the X Factor and Big Brother. Majority is no guarantee of taste
Because boots are awesome and comfy. There's no reason other than tired convention not to wear boots when you feel like it if they are quality enough to breathe properly. You see a lot of folks on the forum doing it, many in very hot climes.
Also, why would you wear boots in summer?
I like they way they look and I think they're comfortable. I wear PF Flyers when I'm simply too lazy to put on socks, but otherwise, I wear boots year round. What's the big deal?