We know you love IH, but where do you think we can improve?
So here's a challenge.
I'll give USD200 in gift vouchers for the first person who can do that using the IH-634S as the reference cut.
It's gone now. But I thought you had that here: http://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=8647.msg446117#msg446117
If you show me the url for this ' jeans styles' I can take a crack at it. I could at least arrange the cuts from slimmest to most roomy.
That's a good idea (and we can do a side shot of the 1955 no probs). I was thinking of creating an accurate outline image of 634 with actual waist of (lets say) 33 and then doing the same with 555, 777, IHXB01, 1955, 461, 666 etc and then having the facility to overlay any on any…..
They way I'm imagining it is more like a diagram where the outline of the 634s (I'm thinking like an image of the 634s folded lengthwise) is the basis, and then you illustrate the contours of the other pairs within that outline, so you can see how drastic the difference is in the rise, thigh, knee and taper.
I can take a shot at this, but I'm a hand-drawn type, so y'all with computer programs might be better suited to get it done quicker…
Of course Giles gets there first while I'm typing my post
I was thinking a pattern looking blueprint kind of overlay would be cool.
Over to whoever wants USD200
But I am thinking having the "portfolio" of pics as @TaBLemann suggests supported by hard and fast empirical data (in the form of diagrams), will do the the job admirably….
Nice ideas. Especially because it can be pretty subtle to gauge differences in rise from the pictures.
Here's a real futuristic idea, bear with me:As has been said, there's a wire-frame diagram per cut, each has its own color to help distinguish between them. You have a set of buttons, somewhat like the ones that help narrow down the options for cut and weight when you browse the jeans section of the site. So there's like a blank "blueprint" of some legs. You click on the button for 555, for example, and it toggles on and off the wireframe of that cut. Thus, you can turn a specific two on or off if you want to see an overlaid comparison.
THEN, it's programmed so the power cable on your computer automatically wraps around specific parts of your body at the right measurement for a selected size, so as to give you an impression of what that would feel like.
If only I lived in Gosport where I could just drop in with a bunch of large sheets of paper to take the pencil outlines of the actual pairs in size 33….
....But you could also just take a photo of each of them and then draw that outline in a computer program, and then superimpose one on top of the other....
Who wants a $200 bonus who works at IHUK?!?
Nice ideas. Especially because it can be pretty subtle to gauge differences in rise from the pictures.
Here's a real futuristic idea, bear with me:THEN, it's programmed so the power cable on your computer automatically wraps around specific parts of your body at the right measurement for a selected size, so as to give you an impression of what that would feel like.
Sorry if I sound daft, but when the seemstresses in Japan are cutting the many sheets of denim into the outlines that will later make up a pair of jeans, aren't they placing the cut based on a template? And these templates must surely be printed from a computer, to reduce production variation as much as possible?
Assuming Iron Heart HQ has a computer drawing for all the different cuts of jeans in all the sizes available, it shouldn't be a daunting task for graphic designer to make a vector drawing thingamajig that we all want?
Yea, but that would be giving away the whole show, i.e. The propriety info and trade secrets that H and Tom-San have earned through years of work.
When the Jean is sewn up, it's more of a publicly available asset
That's just my opinion though. I wouldn't want to give away the blueprints, just the outline of the sewn jeans
Of course. I didn't write it clearly, but I meant the final outlines of each jean cut, based on the template from IH HQ.