Recent Purchases
Geo - So what does your closet look like by now? Only IH in it ain't it ;)…lovely stuff there!
My goal is to fill it with IH - that's for sure, but there's some McCoys, SD'A and Cabourn loitering too
plus these little beauties have been sorted out for me by a very good friend who shall remain nameness for the moment . . .
Now those are some great combos there mate…jealousy fire coming your way
have to say you are totally right about this Finn
Geo - So what does your closet look like by now? Only IH in it ain't it ;)…lovely stuff there!
and I'm sure that if Geo will shop further with this pace, what I'm pretty sure will happen and what I can fully 100% count understand, he will soon be voted customer of the year by Giles and best looking lad in town…
Geo - So what does your closet look like by now? Only IH in it ain't it ;)…lovely stuff there!
My goal is to fill it with IH - that's for sure, but there's some McCoys, SD'A and Cabourn loitering too
plus these little beauties have been sorted out for me by a very good friend who shall remain nameness for the moment . . .
[pictures deleted by the member]
looking good, what company are they?
yep I will … Geo ... I was just in time and pulled the trigger when they were up on the website ...
btw ... it's really a great IH shirt and super nice (my first but not last) ... worth it
Awesome flannel!