IH Patches
Fantastic idea & looks great Reuben!
Nice fix, Reuben.
I keep going back and forth on patches. I don’t think I want to go full battle-vest with them, but a few could look cool…
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@Weft 4 Dead So far I have one on an older hoodie, purely for decoration, the one on the IH cap and IHV-18 that were factory standard, and these two (sorry for the shitty mirror pic):
I also go back and forth regarding patches on type III’s and type III vests. It will happen one day. Battle vests are super cool, but not my style.
I feel like I should have more of these, despite the fact that I don't ever put patches on anything.
I think Heddels may be lurking the forum for article ideas. They put this out today….
really like your patch choices & placements @Chap
Thx @RoxRocks86 yep very happy with the result
any plans for more patch designs or reruns of older ones @Giles ?
Would love to see some more new and returning old patches too…
@Giles would a chanille patch of the bell logo ever be considered to be made?
I quite like the simpler bell logo
That Denim Forever patch is gold. How do you get one of those?
On my 526N
I always liked that one. I don't think there are many of them around.