2015 Edition - Iron Heart WAYWT
Nice one @Cole and the kids
After loosing 7kgs in India I was surprised to get into @Black Orchid's recent SExIH13 301's
Self Edge x Al's Attire + Cone Denim White Oak 11.5oz Natural Super Slub Selvedge Denim Shirt
SExIH13 301's belonging to @Black Orchid but now sequestered by me
Clark Preston's -
@Haddtoo 555 Now keep the 62 clean LOL
@nemesisnow1200 Looking good in the 666UHR jeans.
^^^^ cheers dude,,kinda my go to jeans at the mo,,,
@den1mhead Those SExIH13 301s fit you real well.
@TrickHell like the all blue tux.
@den1mhead Those SExIH13 301s fit you real well.
cheers @twin. not sure Black Orchid appreciates me raiding her wardrobe though