2015 Edition - Iron Heart WAYWT
Great to see you Mike, looking beardy
Looking good Mike, I like the 105 over the 72. It's a combo I wouldn't have thought it to work so well. Great beard!
Been around for a little bit, but here's my first post!
Was in SF the other day and had the good fortune of running into Lars Frederiksen, so I thought this would be a cool way to introduce myself.
IHW-04 (courtesy of @Snowy !) / Flat Head Stadt Western Shirt / Samurai S710xx
Hopefully the one Iron Heart article of clothing is enough to warrant posting in this thread…
Ha, sry G. Only one arm for me
Blanket lined IH jacket @JCMx800
Vulcans @riffblaster generalFREEZIN COLD WEATHER @Buckley North Wales
pefect fit Anesthetist. That's just how I see myself rocking that 09, Beach Vest what ev er u want to call it.
Great Posts on this page! Lars Frederiksen, PP, Nem - just fantastic. MCL: awesome jeans- what are they? And do you wear the IHFxVibergs "smooth-out"?
Thanks MP; Strike Gold 3105 jeans and Giles and Viberg accommodated a request to have my pair smooth out of the same mocha oil tan hide.