IHTB-01 - Extra Heavy Long Sleeved Cotton Knit Sweater
I finally got the orange. Perfect fit, I love this thing. I just wish this southern California weather would turn more fall-like so I could wear it.
is that the IHTB-02 i see at the bottom of the photo….?
Looking forward to my Frenchy look this fall… -
Paula was right - this shirt is the definition of beauty. Love it. Thanks for super fast shipping!
Looks great, MP! I love that the red is not scarlet, it’s slightly toned down towards a darker red. Good cop!
thanks you two. will try do to it justice with better photos soon.
that'S a nice compliment. Thanks a lot.
you rock the stripes very well
Max, the pics of you in the shirt has convinced me to pick one up.
So, Giles, when will I receive my sales commission?
That's not too bad…