IHTB-01 - Extra Heavy Long Sleeved Cotton Knit Sweater
Looks really cool but Orange and my skin tone just dont agree I think.
Good thing H didn't make a red/white version
Looks really cool but Orange and my skin tone just dont agree I think.
Good thing H didn't make a red/white version
You mean like this…
inserts foot in mouth
Ordered one of each. These shirts are my favorite IH shirts, couldn’t pass up these colors.
Dream color way would be a dark navy and natural white version. -
Does anyone know if the yellow and black version of this sweater will come back?
i like it
Any idea if/when a restock is coming on these?
I'm in no rush…was just curious because I've noticed the inventory getting low and was hoping they aren't being discontinued or anything.
@Giles I’m interested in the restock also. I need a grey/black and blue/black in an xxl please
Easy to make good combos with this one.