The Evolution of Iron Heart
My TWHR01 are about a year old now, and need a little bit of a rebuild by the master. Just going to give them a wash and ship them out to Hachioji. These are the before pics, when I get them back I'll post the after pics:
And this is a tiny hole on the left knee, but it'll get bigger and fail if I don't get it sorted
Those look really nice. What strikes me are the cuff tears. I get those only in the back but not in the front. But all my jeans where I had that are only 11-12oz, maybe that plays a role.
Nope, I get cuff tears on my IH 634S and 1534. I manage to do that because I pound the pavement walking and walking, sometimes 15 miles per day (on the weekends).
G, those are incredible looking! I can't wait to get myself a pair!
Beats, is it just me or are your jeans fading from black to white? I thought they were supposed to fade from black to blue to white?
This weekend will be my first weekend home in over a month. With a little luck I will be able to post up pics of my SEXIH07 indigo's after 3-4 months of wear (and a lot of travel) and my IH messenger bag with 7 months of use (1 soapy soak)
different light will bring out different shades of blue or grey …
and Seul - every denim that is rope dyed will fade to white - the original core color of the cotton threads.You just actually made me very happy by pointing that out - cause the biggest question with overdyed is whether or not it "penetrates" the yarn all the way through to the actual core and thus won´t give u high contrast fades. I am delighted to know that this isn´t the case ***