IHSH-112- 5oz Indigo/Indigo Paisley Chambray Western Shirt
Which one?
Did these shrink at all, and if so how much, for anyone?
@VaterundSohn washed his shirt and said there was only minor shrinkage in it. I would suggest cold or handwash due to the indigo anyway, that should minimize it.
Actually, if I can get my hands on one of these in S somewhere, the goal is to get as much shrinkage as possible…
Yes, @NorthernVictory , I gave mine a cold and soft wash and there was no shrinkage. If you only wash yours cold too I guess it will stay that way. A 60C wash on the other hand might get you what you want, but not much.
I got some confirmation about sizing elsewhere. So I am certain a S will fit almost perfectly.
Now, the question is whether to buy or not (found one in Japan in some obscure place…).
@babyknight THe 112 fits and looks fantastic on you.
Hi all, here is my annual fit pic, this year I have chosen the 112, accompanied by my IH-666S and some old 6263 on the wrist.
Is it that time of year again already? Awesome- I love the annual babyknight fit pic!
great shit! @babyknight you're wearing it super well!
i knew it, fantastico. Great combo Sir
Looking good babyknight! I know you won't disappoint us. Did you pimp the buttons?
Thank you @Omega Man ! Yes I went MOP.