2016 - Spring/Summer Pipeline
Total non-issue for me. Still want it.
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Yep, not surprised at all that some IH customers would notice that and freak out about it.
Didn't even notice it. Thanks for pointing it out and be transparent about it.
Overdye it/them!
I guess you might still see the skew in the weave…...?
Never heard about a RAW and SKEWING shirt, rawdenim-heads will love it I hope.
Well, skewing on denim jeans occurs with wear and washing I believe, its related to the nature of the weave of denim and i suppose how tight the weave is?
The skew on these shirts I suppose actually occured on the loom?
….and yeah, i'd still buy one, but i can also understand why they may not go on sale.
New products are always between wish and hope.
I like the fabric!
Some brands call there shirts fancy, IH can call it "shuttle loom woven skew".
Look of expectancy to the outcome product.
@Giles:Haraki has been looking for really great fabrics made by tiny little mills. One or 2 people and a couple of looms, often in a shed/building attached to the house but always somewhere on the property. These are known as House Factory's. The fruits of these efforts thus far, has been the fabric for IH-711, IH-712, IHSH-119, IHSH-129 and IHSH-134. I don't know much else, but will do visiting as many of these place when I go to Japan….
Aww skew it and just sell em already
Well, skewing on denim jeans occurs with wear and washing I believe
Incorrect. Skew is caused in all twill weaves during the weaving process. It is caused by the inherent uneven tension created with a twill weaving process.
Ah! Thanks Giles.
I'll post some fit picks when I get my 129 in red/blue
Been waiting for this since it was teased!
Sorry if I missed it - is there an (estimated) release schedule for the spring gear?