IH-666S - The Devil's Fit Indigo - Slim Tapered
Don't think I'm not formulating a response to all this…
All hello. Jeans came to revival, reached very quickly, it is less than three days, thanks to Vladimir, helped with a choice of the size, trousers well approached, it is good that took the size, instead of it is more, in one day they were already a little stretched. to presoak yet I will not be… Excuse for my English...!!!
Welcome escanderA!.. Never apologise for your English, you're doing a fine job anyhow!..
Don't think I'm not formulating a response to all this…
I'll summarise your undoubtedly verbose response for you:
"Fuck off"
All hello. Jeans came to revival, reached very quickly, it is less than three days, thanks to Vladimir, helped with a choice of the size, trousers well approached, it is good that took the size, instead of it is more, in one day they were already a little stretched. to presoak yet I will not be… Excuse for my English...!!!
Glad you got them OK. Giles
Thanks to All for heartiest welcome in community of fans of these remarkable jeans. Very long thought what to take - Samurai, or ron Heart which aren't on sale in shops of my country, and not vozmzhno them to see in the live. Started to carry, and very much it would be desirable to learn, what time is recommended, before the first soaking, its duration and water temperature…?! Thanks to all who will respond!
escanderA, I have asked a Russian speaking friend to reply to you directly. Giles
Wear for as long as possible before washing. How long is up to you, but the longer the better. Soak for an hour before washing, wash inside out at 30 or 40 C and do not tumble dry.
Желательно носить как можно дольше до первой стирки - чем дольше - тем лучше! Перед первой стиркой рекомендуем замочить джинсы примерно на час - стирать вывернутыми наизнанку при температуре воды 30 - 40С. Не отжимать - расправить и дать воде стечь натуральным образом!
Cool. Have you soaked them yet?
You should really soak them before wearing. Check this out: