IH-666S - The Devil's Fit Indigo - Slim Tapered
I never understand why people ask if they should hem or not! Surely you can see you need too.
because i need some advice, i feel confused to hem it or just let give this jeans stack
Max Power
thanks, how much inch do you think? 2" maybe?
thank you arabit, i consider to give this jeans stack -
I think 2" is a good bet, I might do more, but it's hard to tell based on the pictures.
You can fold them on the inside to simulate the length. And add ~0,75" for combs and futre shrinkage.
Richie, i think your stacks look fine. but i guess if you want a cleaner look, hem them.
curious….if cuffed, are you at a triple cuff? -
I think its completely up to you… Once your stacks settle I think it'll look fine but a hem could look great too... Just completely up to what appeals to you man.
yap i consider to hem it by 2" too, because now its about 32" length
@max power
will do, thanks mate
thanks for your suggestion, hmm yap that's right mate
noted mate, thank you so much -
Very nice indra
need your advice mate, just give this devil a stack or hem it? thanks!
Stack um. Looks much cooler. Just the right hem looks nerdy
Hi Guys,
Looking at a pair of these and would like some shrinkage sizing advice pls in comparison to Flat Heads.
My FH F310's that are tagged 31" have gotten too tight in the top block after their 2nd wash to the point of being uncomfortable, so much so i'm probably going to have to move them on.
Prior to this they had been a perfect fit for a long time. Thighs, waist etc all good, however i underestimated the incremental shrinkage that occurs after their initial couple of soaks and washes.
With that is mind, measurements on a 31" in 666s pre-soak look ideal for me and from reading, they don't seem to shrink as much over their lifetime as the FH's.
Any thoughts re sizing vs Flat Heads? Is the top block slightly roomier?
Cheers BBaller
Measurements look fine pre soak
Cant speak to FH but these don't shrink that much in general, imo, and not much more if any after-soak - i'd compare to Roys which shrank a lot after soak and even more after wash. These stretch pretty easily too. I went TTS and they are fine - except the thigh is borderline too tight for me, but that is the cut.
Great cheers Bluegrass
After two hot soaks (the second of which was quite hotter than the first) of my tagged 31"X36" IH-666S jeans, it feels like I've shrunk them considerably. When I now measure them (following the IH way), they measure 34"X38." Surprisingly, the waist is perfect. I'd love to take away some more length, but I'm not sure that this would be possible. Any further advice before I send them back to be hemmed to a 36" length? Thanks!