IH-666S - The Devil's Fit Indigo - Slim Tapered
That is one beautiful pair of Devils you got there @JerUrsidae
Well done! -
Proud owner here. Unfortunately they're now on the small side for me since I started going to the gym.. thighs are giving me a bit of the "stuffed sausage" look. Love them so much I'll probably get them again a size or two larger. Just need to sell the current pair first..
666- The Number of the Beast
Maybe there is some other reason but that's what i always presumed
666- The Number of the Beast
So it's a beast of one slim fitting jeans? Damn right ;).
Regular poster over at SuFu, but been lurking here a little bit and doing a little research and I think I've decided that the 666s will be my next jean once my Ande Whall Caribous get a little further in age. The two cuts are very similar. Sounds kinda crazy to be thinking of getting some heavy denim with Summer around the corner in California, but I work in produce at a Whole Foods and we're in a near freezing cooler a lot.
I wear a 30 in the Andes, but the waist measured 31 initially and has stretched to 31.5, so I think a 31 in the 666 would be the size that would most replicate the way they fit, but with a better fitting top block since the 666 has a bit less rise in the front. That is definitely welcome since my Andes seem to have a little too much with how they sit on my hips.
@Lag Here's my 31" measurements after a couple of soaks , one wash. Plenty of wear
Waist 16"
Hip 19.5"
Front Rise 10"
Back Rise 15.5"
Thigh 11"
Knee 8"
Hem 7.75"