IHJ-35-BLK - Japanese Horsehide Rider’s Jacket - Black (Tea-Core Dyed)
I used Chaimberlain’s leather milk. The hh leather is pretty shiny on its own. This was right after I treated the jacket so it will mellow once dried.
New guy here with the question. First off, beautiful jackets, everyone. Im looking at the SE version with hand warmer and lack of side zips. I've been reading this thread and while it was hinted at but not outwardly said I figured id ask. Are the measurements the same between the two? SE has different ones listed than Its website.
Thanks in advance!
SE and IHUK take measurements in different ways with regards to shirts and jeans. I bet it is the same with jackets. Otherwise, these things being made the way they are, there are often variations.
I don’t know about SE but IHUK have videos on their website demonstrating how they measure.
We’ve discussed this a few times and if I remember correctly the only thing we were sure of is that the SE version had longer sleeves. Personally I think that with this kind of investment you might have to consider buying one to try the fit (assuming you don’t live near a SE) and sending it back if it doesn’t work for you as part of the process. I have the IH methods for measuring so ingrained in my brain that the SE numbers don’t mean much to me.
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@kpdarb, if someone has one version, most likely they don’t have the other. I was in your position when I looked into the Jacket. First, I decided I wanted the pockets and contacted the guys at Selfedge, Kiya was very helpful in deciding the right size for me. Everything worked out well.
SE and IHUK take measurements in different ways with regards to shirts and jeans. I bet it is the same with jackets. Otherwise, these things being made the way they are, there are often variations.
I don’t know about SE but IHUK have videos on their website demonstrating how they measure.
We’ve discussed this a few times and if I remember correctly the only thing we were sure of is that the SE version had longer sleeves. Personally I think that with this kind of investment you might have to consider buying one to try the fit (assuming you don’t live near a SE) and sending it back if it doesn’t work for you as part of the process. I have the IH methods for measuring so ingrained in my brain that the SE numbers don’t mean much to me.
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Thanks, guys. I reviewed the measurement video provided and its most helpful. Now i guess my question is more specifically, is the IHJ-35 and SExIH collaboration made to the same measurements and the difference is the methods used? The sleeves do seem unusually long on the SE version but fortunately one inch makes little difference to me.
Im not far from NYC and once i have a free weekend I will drive up to try it on in person (assuming when I call they confirm they stock it).
Anyway, I'm still on the fence between this jacket and the IHJ-54.
Again, appreciate the feedback, gents
@kpdarb, if someone has one version, most likely they don’t have the other. I was in your position when I looked into the Jacket. First, I decided I wanted the pockets and contacted the guys at Selfedge, Kiya was very helpful in deciding the right size for me. Everything worked out well.
Great to know, thanks! How do you like the jacket so far? Did you look at any others?
Last time I wore a leather jacket was in my mid-twenties, as I turn fourty the 35 is my first leather jacket since. I like it. I wear it without much thought = versatile? Since then, I got ANJ4 and someday want to try something like IHJ-53.
This will be my first leather [for now] and and tying to achieve that versatility aspect. I would have likely purchased already if the ihj54 had a mandarin collar.
I cant remember if Kiya specced the measurement to be different.
He confirmed they stock the jacket in the NY store and I plan to drive up to give it a go in the near future. Are you still wearing the 54? Im curious how its aged so far, if you wouldnt mind sharing pictures (understand f you'd prefer the dedicated thread).
New guy here with the question. First off, beautiful jackets, everyone. Im looking at the SE version with hand warmer and lack of side zips. I've been reading this thread and while it was hinted at but not outwardly said I figured id ask. Are the measurements the same between the two? SE has different ones listed than Its website.
Thanks in advance!
I was interested in the SE version but they only go to XXL and those measurements in the P2P looked small for me. It lists as 23" where the IH version published measurements is 24.7" which I thought would work.
I took a chance and went ahead and ordered the SE version and it was a great decision. The actual P2P is around 24.2" or 24.4" and this jacket fits me perfectly. So I would say at least for P2P the measurements are closer to the IH measurements.
All other measurements are fairly close between the SE chart and IH chart. At least for XXL. It is just the P2P on SE is quite small compared to real life. Hope this helps.
New guy here with the question. First off, beautiful jackets, everyone. Im looking at the SE version with hand warmer and lack of side zips. I've been reading this thread and while it was hinted at but not outwardly said I figured id ask. Are the measurements the same between the two? SE has different ones listed than Its website.
Thanks in advance!
I was interested in the SE version but they only go to XXL and those measurements in the P2P looked small for me. It lists as 23" where the IH version published measurements is 24.7" which I thought would work.
I took a chance and went ahead and ordered the SE version and it was a great decision. The actual P2P is around 24.2" or 24.4" and this jacket fits me perfectly. So I would say at least for P2P the measurements are closer to the IH measurements.
All other measurements are fairly close between the SE chart and IH chart. At least for XXL. It is just the P2P on SE is quite small compared to real life. Hope this helps.
I think several people here said that SE measures seam to seam and don’t include the back fabric when doing chest measurements. Perhaps Kiya can clarify.
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^ Great jacket ! looking sharp brother
@Max Power
coming from the guy who said “I don’t look good in leather jackets” this is high praise!
I'm glad you're happy with the jacket, because it really does look great on you. It would be a shame if you didn't agree.