What's your favorite Beer?
3 or 4 of each should do the trick
Actually really like the sound of Stille Nacht
^ previously Abstrakt: 14 as close to alcoholic banana as you can get :). A required Xmas present for my sister.
Tokyo* on draft
18.2% ABV stout.
Well played MorP, Tokyo is one hell of a beer
Seul, whats the Gouden Carolus like?
Yep, as soon as I saw it on the board, I knew I'd be having some :). Trouble is, this means that the rest of my evening will be sharply curtailed. Unless I can soak a bit more up…
It's an evening ending beer thats for sure.
Seul, any temperature and glass tips for a Duchesse De Bourgogne?
It's an evening ending beer thats for sure.
Decided to move on to:
A half of Punk IPA and:
Pork ribs and burnt beans to soak it up :).
What started out as a quick half-pint and lunch has quickly turned into an all night session :(. Oh well…
They only sell it as 1/3 of a pint. Which is probably very wise… I can imagine a lot of masochistic idiots trying to buy full pints otherwise...
It would kill them :o
Sorry Eli, I should have realised that pork, in anything but its natural state would have been upsetting to you :(. On the other hand, in the immortal words of "The Fast Show" I am 'very, very drunk' :).
Read the blurb man, it's an ice distilled IPA masquerading as a spirit. Sounds like absolute insanity, and these guys love their beer alchemy.