What's your favorite Beer?
The Backwoods Bastard is damn near mind blowing. Almost as good as KBS.
I've had both the Local 1 and 2 from Brooklyn, been awhile but they were pretty good from what I remember.
The one I never wrapped my head around from Brooklyn was the Hand & Seal.
Price tag scares me off every time considering I can find something from another brewery for half the price.
Going to be buying a good bit of beer after work tonight for the Super Bowl, I'll try to post pictures of my local shop!
Hoping to get my hands on Yellow Rose…finally. Everyone I know has been raving about it, as it came out of nowhere: http://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/30380/92960/ -
I haven't had a beer for 6 days :o
Alright guys, here's what I got.
Nothing like Seul's hauls, but not too shabby I don't think!
Forgot to snap a picture of the shop, but it's pretty cool that they have a Google Maps inside image.
Much better than any photo I can take: https://www.google.com/maps/place/WhichCraft+Beer+Store/@30.248322,-97.771299,3a,75y,337.82h,90t/data=!3m5!1e1!3m3!1sgEeNQUqOnSkAAAQfCNOQzQ!2e0!3e2!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0xa1ae3a79b3ffb2a3!6m1!1e1
Everyone seems to go crazy over the St. Arnold's Divine Reserve, so I figured I would give it a shot.
Big Prairie fan, and this is supposedly better than the Funky Gold Mosaic so we shall see.
While a horchata beer sounds kind of gross, I had the Señorita from last year and loved it. -
Nice haul, I've had the Brewdog on draught and it was excellent.
To be honest their growing diversity has lead to them being a bit hit and miss these days, but when they're good they are great.
For me the best UK brewery at the moment is one that the Belgian Piglet actually put me on to, and is only a few miles from me, Thornbridge. I don't know if you get much of their stuff in the US but i have yet to try anything which was anything less than extremely good.
It's lovely
Divine Reserve is hit or miss, since each year is a different recipe. I remember the 9 was really good, a couple of the years after were forgettable. Haven't had the 15 yet.
EDIT: some interesting options available, based on the Google interior shot.
Nothing like Seul's hauls, but not too shabby I don't think!
Living 20' from what has been chosen as one of the best "bottle shops" by RateBeer, makes this easy for me… Believe me: I'm extremely grateful for their hard work... Thank you, Geers...