What's your favorite Beer?
I seemingly can't stop buying / drinking Prairie beers lately.
Nice mild farmhouse ale, tart without being very funky and sour.
Could drink this like water on a warm sunny day if I had a keg of it.
Some local beer tonight:
Austin Beerworks Black IPA from their Heavy Machinery seasonal series.
This surprised me, their normal beers are a bit boring to me but this one is pretty nice.
Honestly they're probably boring to me because they're in every bar and restaurant in town but they're not bad at all. -
Tonight (still mad):
- 1x Founder's Imperial Stout 2013
- Cote d'Or coffee icecream
- 8cls of Glenfiddich 12yo signature malt (for lack of bourbon)
Shaken, not stirred… I'll let you know how it is... Once I've woken up from my coma...
I'm intensely curious
as to taste texture degree of drunkenness & how it tasted when you communed at the porcelain altar. You know, the 2nd time through. Video if possible.
My opinion is you will pay dearly substituting Scotch for bourbon. Might want an ambulance idling at the curb. Just a thought.. -
Creamy, rich IPA, simply delicious. Beautiful beer, beautiful bottle. Must buy if you encounter it!..
Organic version of the Moinette… Truly spectacular...
He's used to the Pannepot. I thought nothing could be better than the Rochefort 10 until Eli sent me one on a trade. Now every time I drink the Rochefort I can't help wishing I had a Pannepot.
I bet Chris would be (is?) a big fan of this… It might not be tart enough for him, but it is for me...
Scored that old Rodenbach glass at the small 2ndhand store right across of me for 2 €.
As a matter of fact, I do like that one quite a bit. You know me too well…
Drinking this for the first time. Brewed by Boon. Bit light and softbodied for a 7% geuze, but it gives the most beautiful head I've ever seen on a geuze, sparkles like champagne, and is simply delicious…