What's your favorite Beer?
Their brown trappist won a WBA award in 2007, 2009, 2010 and 2012… This is the blonde Tripel.
Have to keep my eyes peeled! Always enjoy a new one! Thanks!!!!
Leffe tastes like I would imagine drinking a pint of sweat would taste…..utter shit.
I know, and I can see why
Yeah IJ, you're missing out. I've had some amazing beers from lots of different countries. You shouldn't write anything off just because of its nation of origin.
honestly, Im not a fan of Belgians myself either. There is a taste that they all have, no matter what the style that I just dont care for. I think its the type of yeast used, but not certain. Thats what all my home brew friends say it is. I have barely scratched the surface of the beers offered however, so Im just reporting my experience with the limited selection I have tried.
For me, a lot of Belgian beers I have tried have a kind of sweet after taste. My favourite kind of beers are dark, and full of hops taste, I tried an excellent black beer at "Brew Dog" in Nottingham on Saturday which ticked all the boxes.
yea, the aftertaste is what initially put me off about them. We have a place called Beer Revolution in Oakland that I go to from time to time, but I have slowed down on my beer drinking, mostly due to pure laziness.
For me, a lot of Belgian beers have a tendency to err on the side of sweet-tasting. The alcohol content has to go a long way to explaining this IMO, though I'll happily defer to the experts of the forum on that one if I'm way off…
Currently loving the US 'craft' style beers that are starting to be readily available here in the UK now - Goose Island IPA is a particular fave.
Goose Island is good, get some Blue Moon. Doug got me on it whilst in NYC, haven't been off it since I got back
And yeh, not sure what it is about the abundance of American craft beers in UK supermarkets right now, but long may it continue